About Us

Edutechinsider.Com — A magazine about education and technology and work

Through the magazine you can:

 — learn a lot about technology;

 — meet interesting people;

 — make interesting discoveries;

 — learn something new.

And much more.


 — Learn about how to become a popular blogger;

 — What a blog is and how to become one;

 — How to become popular on social networks;

 — What are likes, followers, retweets, comments, etc;

 — How to run your blog;

 — Where to get inspiration.

Education and Technology is a magazine that, like its name, reflects and shapes contemporary education and technological development. The magazine contains a large number of articles on education, technology, teaching methods, features of teaching, and other important topics. The magazine’s topics do not limit its readers, there are articles for any taste and for any specialists.